Local Florists

This page was designed as a resource to help those who would like to attend a loved ones funeral services. Below is a list of flower shops and their contact information if you would like to send flowers.

Foley's Florist
592 Chestnut Street, Berea, Kentucky 40403 | Phone: (859) 986-8175

In the Garden, Cut Flowers & Gifts
830 Eastern Bypass #A17, Richmond, Kentucky 40475 | Phone: (859) 575-1891

Momma's Flowers and More
| Phone: (859) 756-3955

Richmond Greenhouse
111 Westover Avenue, Richmond, Kentucky 40475 | Phone: (859) 623-3410

Unique Designs Flowers & Gifts
2130 Lexington Road, Suite J., Richmond, Kentucky 40475 | Phone: (859) 376-0977 / (859) 302-7840

Village Florist & Gifts
5015 Atwood Dr., Richmond, Kentucky 40475 | Phone: (859) 623-0340

